Today was our traditional Easter fire in our street .To this event come all neighbors from our street where we live .Today the weather was really cold and it was snowing and that´s why the easter fire was already earlier.Original it is on the Easter saturday on the evening.
Unfortunately, I could not go to the Easter fire because I was at my work .
Unfortunately, I could not go to the Easter fire because I was at my work .
Maybe next year again .
Heute war unser traditionelles Osterfeuer von unserer Straße . An diesem Feuer nehmen meistens alle Nachbarn von unserer Straße teil . Das Wetter war heute ganz schön kalt und es schneite , deshalb fand das Osterfeuer schon etwas zeitiger statt als sonst . Normalerweise ist das Feuer am Ostersamstag erst am späteren Abend.Leider konnte ich dieses Mal nicht daran teilnehmen , da ich Spätschicht hatte und arbeiten mußte ;O( . Aber vielleicht klappt´s nächstes Jahr wieder !
4 Kommentare:
That is really cool. I think it is great your neighbours get together. We know how cold it is for some bonfires, having had one last weekend.
das ist auch ein schöner Brauch , zu schade, dass es bei dir nicht geklappt hat.
Fohe Ostern
A delightful 'togetherness' of friends and neighbours at Easter - is a joy to see - as your wonderful photo's clearly see.
May you and your family have a joyous Easter Day.
That is a lovely tradition Steffi, may you all have a very Happy Easter.
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