The blue and yellow colours of my flowers in the garden shine so beautiful .
Enjoy it !
Have a nice and sunny weekend everyone !
Der Frühling ist nun endlich auch hier angekommen ...
Die blauen und gelben Blumen im Garten leuchten richtig schön , wenn die Sonne scheint .
Ich wünsche euch ein schönes sonniges Wochenende !
6 Kommentare:
As spring is moving in by you, autumn is moving in down here. I love the blue and yellow contrast. A big thanks for the visits to my blog.
Schöne Collage!
Und ja, hier blühen nun auch die Gelben, die Schneeglöckchen sind inzwischen verwelkt.
Your flowers are really beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing it.The cherry blossoms are at their best here in Tokyo now.
Winter is near here. There really are lovely colours, lucky you :)
Very beautiful. I saw my first strand of green in my flower garden today. I fear it is a weed ;-) .
So pretty...
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