Samstag, 15. März 2008


Those pictures I have made at the last weeks in our garden .I hope it will be spring soon !But at the moment is it still very cold and wet without sunshine and no signs of spring are in the air. Next weekend is easter and I hope the weather will be than finally better.
Have a nice weekend everyone!
Diese Bilder habe ich in der letzten Zeit in unseren Garten geschossen . Ich hoffe,daß es nun bald Frühling wird und das Wetter sich auch endlich darauf einstellt . Aber im Moment sieht´s ja nicht danach aus , denn es ist nass - kalt und grau . Nächstes Wochenende ist ja Ostern und mal sehen,wie die Wetterprognosen sein werden ...
Ich wünsche euch allen ein schönes und kreatives Wochenende!

16 Kommentare:

Rosebud Collection hat gesagt…

I wish I would see some flowers..Right now it is snowing.
Beautiful pictures and they made me happy...

einchen hat gesagt…

das sind ja schon tolle frühlingsbilder

lg einchen

Anonym hat gesagt…

Those flowers are beautiful.....

We're far from Spring here. Still snow but it is melting!!!! My Christmas cactus just bloomed again though!

ChrisB hat gesagt…

Steffi I expect you know I love flowers and these are beautiful. It's not looking very much like spring here as it is raining heavily!

Josie hat gesagt…

Tolle Bilder...und das Wetter..soll ja schon wieder kälter werden :-(

Anonym hat gesagt…

I am getting so sick and tired of Blogger eating my comments.....


Those are beautiful flowers. I laugh when you say it is cold out and you have flowers blooming. No flower in its right mind would be in bloom around here with the snow and -4˚C isn't too cold, but flowers wouldn't appreciate it.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Wow, how beautiful. We will have snow on the ground for Easter time, and no flowers at all.

Grizzly Mountain Arts hat gesagt…

Schöne Fotos!

Grizzly Mountain Arts hat gesagt…

Schöne Fotos!

Moonchild Dancing! hat gesagt…

Beautiful flowers! From those photos I wouldn't guess that it was still cold out.. they warm me up! :D

Unknown hat gesagt…

I love all of your flowers! Thanx for sharing them with me, it may be a while before I see any around me with all the snow still on the ground. :)

Carla hat gesagt…

Those pictures certainly make it look like spring. Lovely. I hope my flowers start to bloom soon.

Marja hat gesagt…

wow these flower pictures are absolutely stunning You have a beautiful garden. I don't know the last one It is beautiful

my4kids hat gesagt…

Beautiful pictures! I am hoping for spring here soon also, but we got snow this morning!

Gisele Schoene hat gesagt…

I imagine your garden is beautiful, with all these flowers. I hope my garden will be nice too someday! Enjoy the nice weather!

frannie hat gesagt…

those pictures are so beautiful!!!