Today afternoon Nathalie painted this really cute picture for me .We collect all her pictures in a big folder and so we have nice memories some years later ! Anne has a folder of her own painted pictures too.
Heute Nachmittag hat mir Nathalie dieses süsse Bild gemalt . Wir haben alle Bilder von ihr in einer dicken Mappe gesammelt und so hat man einige Jahre später schöne Erinnerungen ! Anne hat natürlich auch so eine Mappe ihrer selbstgemalten Werke .
13 Kommentare:
Wow, what a good Mom you are. We tend to throw out all of the old art work - of course, ours is not as good as what you have shown. Very talented!
Das Bildchen ist ja zuckersüß , anders kann ich dazu nicht sagen :O)
Ein sehr schönes Bild :0)
LG Olga
Steffi that is a really good picture, Nathalie is talented.
Ah as I'm writing this your comment on my blog popped up in my emails~ what a coincidence! ich wunschte ich könnte das mal sooooooooooo hinbekommen...
Lg, Chris
Oh that is a great picture! I especially like the ladybug climbing up the rainbow. :)
What a lovely picture.
I keep a lot of my children's artwork in folders too.
Das sieht aus wie die Art von Bild kann ich tun!
I love the new layout.
A very nice picture she painted. You are very organized. I put the date on some of the things the kids made for me and one day hope to have them in a scrapbook.
natürlich gerne : ) verlinke dich zurück
hi steffi,
bist du aus schneverdingen.???
tolles bild. ja wir machen auch solche sammlungen.
lg simone
The picture is lovely! It is good to keep children's pictures. You're a really nice mom! I like your new layout. I'm thinking of changing the header pic of my blog too.
She does a great job with her art. I love the colors
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