Now we have finally a Chestnut wreath for our door too ! I saw already in some diffrent blog such beautiful chestnut wreath like here Missy66/Brigitte . We found the material for this wreath " on the street ", in our garden and in the supermarket where I work. Nathalie needed not big help from me for it and she made the mostly alone . Great work ,Nathalie ! Now this wreath hangs outside on our front door and we find he looks good !
24 Kommentare:
Der ist wirklich toll geworden.Habe ich auch schon in verschiedenen Blogs bewundert.Nächstes Jahr werden wir auch mal so einen Kranz für unsere Tür machen.
GLG Anja
Congratulations to 'Nathalie' - on such a splendid 'Chestnut Wreath'.
Amazingly beautiful and decorative for any door.
Da habt ihr wirklich ganz einen schönen Türkranz gemacht. Schön, dass ihr wieder gesund zu Hause angekommen seit. Vielleicht verschlägt es euch auch einmal nach Österreich.
GLG Frieda
der ist wirklich superduperschön.das hat natalie toll hinbekommen.
What a beautiful wreath you have made!! Very nice colours. Thank you for your comments in my blog
Hihi, da hat Brigitte ja eine wahre kastanienkranz-Flut ausgelöst. Schön mit den lila Beeren!
LG Beate
what a beautiful wreath you have made!! Very nice colours. Thank you for your comments in my blog :))
That is a lovely wreath, Nathalie did really well making that by herself.
Oh ist der schön mit den lila Beeren. Super schön!
lG Sandra
Brava Nathalie! The wreath is soooo beautiful!
Looks good? It looks FANTASTIC! Very nice job! I want one. :)
Ohhhhhhhhhhh I love it ! It's so nice !!!
Ein wunderschöner Kranz ist das und mit den bunten Beeren ein echter Hingucker :O))
LG Christina
Liebe Steffi,
der Kranz sieht sehr schön aus. Eine tolle Idee.
Liebe Grüße
I think both you and Nathalie - have found your vocation...
How about mass production :?
Feel sure it would be a big seller :)
it looks like a professional did it!! I am shocked that you did it with things from the street.
you are so talented, Nathalie-- just like your mom!
Thank you for your lovely comment on our blog. Welcome back to our shop at any time :o)
Die Beeren passen farblich super dazu
und Nathalie hat das wirklich super gemacht Der Kranz ist wunderschön geworden !:O)
Coming out lurk mode to say I LOVE THIS!! What a great idea. I might just have to try this.
Your wreath is beautiful!! I think I'm going to take the kids out to collect some chestnuts!
Wow! Nathalie did a great job! It's beautiful. I like it alot.
That is a beautiful wreath and a job well done by Nathalie. I love the colours, they are some of my favourite.
Oh you guys are so creative. Beautiful
Very beautiful! but the way I love chestnuts I would eat them all!!! :)))
kisses :)
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