Here are still autunm schoolholidays and so can Anne sleep out at the next days.I will show you the beautiful pictures of her travel here in the next days....
Have a nice day everyone !
Gestern Abend konnten wir unsere Anne wieder am Flughafen abholen . Nach dem langen Flug von Osaka / Kansai über Frankfurt nach Hamburg waren alle ziemlich geschafft aber glücklich .Hinter allen liegen 2 unvergessliche Wochen ihrer Konzertreise in Japan. Anne muss nun ihren Jetlag ausschlafen , da es in Japan bereits 7 - 8 Stunden später war als hier in Deutschland. Hier sind ja in dieser Woche nach die Herbstferien ,da kann sie sich noch erholen und ausschlafen. Die schönen Foto´s ihrer Reise zeige ich euch in den nächsten Tagen hier ...
Einen schönen Tag noch euch allen !
15 Kommentare:
An exciting time - waiting at the airport - and after such a long flight and time difference - a lot of catching up over next days.
A happy moment for all of you...
Have a great day...
Steffi, you must be thrilled to have Anne back safe and sound. I can't wait to hear about her trip.
Glad Anne is back and she will have such a lot to tell you and we are looking forward to hearing about it.
She looks very happy....
What a lovely photo of her!
Welcome back Anne!!!!
Ich bin ja schon sehr auf die Bilder gespannt!!!!!!!!
GLG Isabelle
Das ist ja schön, das eure Anne wieder da ist. Sie hat sicher viel zu erzählen!!
LG Beate
Dennoch sieht sie so glücklich aus, trotz jetlag..... auf die Bilder sind wir schon gespannt.
Schön, dass Anne wieder bei euch ist!!
LG Tina
Na dann: herzlich Willkommen zurück!
Und ich werde dann nach den Fotos schauen...
LG Anja
She looks like she is happy to be home. The travel was a great opportunity for her!
glad that Anne is home safe from her travels! can't wait to see pictures and hear stories from her trip!
Must be nice for you to have your daughter back. It looks as if shed has had a great time in Japan.
I hope you all have a really wonderful week-end...
And enjoy all the stories your daughter can share of her visit to Japan..
I also hope the choir concert went really well too....
Wow! You all have been traveling a lot lately. Glad to see that you are back home together sharing stories and impressions.
An exciting time for your family to have Anne back full of stories of her travels. I am glad she made it back safe and sound.
Hi! Everything must be very different in Japan from your country... language, scenary...
Didn't people stare at your daugher? Here in Japan, Western people are easy to get attention!
Can't wait to see pictures.
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