Donnerstag, 11. August 2016

" SkyWatch Friday # 389 ... "

Happy Skywatch Friday everyone !   
Here are my photos of these week ...
Cloudy sky but beautiful to see ...
Bewölkter Himmel aber trotzdem schön anzusehen ...
Visit SkyWatch Friday for more stunning skies worldwide ... and Thank you very much for your nice comments each week again!
The photos are also my blog post for “Ein Stück Himmel” and “Himmelsk”,

4 Kommentare:

Spare Parts and Pics hat gesagt…

What a cool tower... like something out of a sci fi movie!

Tony McGurk hat gesagt…

That tower looks amazing. Definitely great photos looking upwards

Lady Fi hat gesagt…

So cool!

Photos by Stan hat gesagt…

Yes, such skies are always more interesting than a cloudless blue one.