Donnerstag, 19. Mai 2016

" SkyWatch Friday # 377 ... "

Happy Skywatch Friday everyone !   
Here are my photos of these week ...
Beautiful evening sky ...
Schöner Abendhimmel ...
Visit SkyWatch Friday for more stunning skies worldwide ... and Thank you very much for your nice comments each week again!
The photos are also my blog post for “Ein Stück Himmel” and “Himmelsk”,

5 Kommentare:

eileeninmd hat gesagt…

Hello, love the pretty colorful clouds and sky. Great captures! Happy Thursday, enjoy your weekend ahead!

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hello Steffi, why I didn't think of you to give you an invitation to join SEASONS (I don't know, maybe because I see you at FB!) What a beautiful warm sky!

It is about any experience during the SEASON (so, beyond weather, nature)so it can be about trips, birthday, shopping, etc.
Photo link is open Sunday May 22 (12 am) - Wednesday May 25 till 7pm, US Pacific time.
Just click on the "Click here" in red, on the bottom of the post. On a new page, your URL on the first line, etc. Hope to see you there! Have a great weekend!

Thomas Lee hat gesagt…

Nice morning cloud

Spare Parts and Pics hat gesagt…

Beautiful!! At first I thought it was smoke from a chimney.

My Desktop Daily hat gesagt…

Wonderful photos! You may like to link up your lovely silhouettes on the Saturday Silhouettes meme: