Dienstag, 16. August 2011

" School Cones and pillows ... / Zuckertüten (Schultüten) und Kissen ... "

... as gifts for twins to their first day at school today (school beginners)...
School Cone or sugar bag - [cardboard cone filled with sweets or small presents, given to children on their first school day]

A school cone or sugar bag is a typical German tradition.In Germany a school cone given to a child on their first day of school filled with sweets,pencils or other small things for school.A school cone should simplify the step from kindergarten to school.

embroidery designs : " Unicorn "  by Tuci/Gaby Siewertsen
" Football fever " by EmiOli design
" Milli Kamilli Zwergenschoen " new version 2011 by Silke /Tausendschön - Shop
... als Geschenke für Zwillinge zur heutigen Einschulung ... 

Stickmuster : " Einhorn " von Tuci/Gaby Siewertsen
" Fußball-Fieber " von EmiOli design
" Milli Kamilli Zwergenschön " neue Version 2011 von Silke /Tausendschön - Shop