Samstag, 1. Mai 2010


My little Peach tree blooms at first time in this year.I planted him as very little plant in my garden 3-4 years ago.
My parents have sowed him from a peach (fruit) stone !
They gave this tree as little plant to me.
Sanna wrote yesterday in her blog about a very topic which could happen everyone at any time also.I admire her brave!
Mein kleiner Pfirsichbaum blüht in diesem Jahr zum ersten Mal , seit ich ihm als sehr kleine Pflanze vor ca. 3-4 Jahren gepflanzt hatte .
Den kleinen Pfirsichbaum habe ich von meinen Eltern bekommen , die ihn aus einem Pfirsichkern selbst gezogen hatten .
Sanna hat gestern in ihrem Blog einen Post über ein sehr ernstzunehmendes (und mutiges ) Thema geschrieben , welches Jeden von uns zu jederzeit selbst betreffen kann . Respekt !

2 Kommentare:

Marcelle hat gesagt…

I'm sure you were very excited to see the first blossoms...I would be.

I plan to post the material and pattern on Monday with the dress which you can return once you have taken a look at it...Heinz has been so busy haven't had time to take a photo of me in the dress...

I saw my boys on the webcam on Princess's birthday and see they were both wearing your top you made them with the frog on...

Marja hat gesagt…

oh die blumen sind so schon Steffi