Donnerstag, 21. Mai 2009

" SkyWatch Friday # 22 ... "

" Happy Skywatch Friday everyone " !

Today I show you some pictures of the sky which I saw 2 weeks ago in the evening after strong rain and storm . The sky changed within few minutes his colors. It looked simple fantastic .

More beautiful skies of participants worldwide you can watch at the Skywatch Friday blog .Enjoy it ! Have a nice weekend and of course Thank you very much for your nice comments like every week again .

20 Kommentare:

Merisi hat gesagt…

These is a beautiful sky quilt - amazing, how fast the skies change at times! You captured them all beautifully.

Happy Anniversary to you and your husband!

Carver hat gesagt…

Gorgeous skies. I love the colors, such a range of beauty.

Dewdrop hat gesagt…

It does look amazingly fantastic! Wonderfully turmoiled cloud base. Once again, in love with your collage!

Reader Wil hat gesagt…

Gorgeous collage! Happy SWF!

Pearl Maple hat gesagt…

Beautiful collage of colorful skies to celebrate sky watch friday. Thanks for sharing these lovely views with us all.

Müge Tekil hat gesagt…

What a beautiful compilation of those colourful skies! A perfect post!

SandyCarlson hat gesagt…

Just beautiful!

Marja hat gesagt…

beautiful colours Looks like a great artwork like this steffi

Marcelle hat gesagt…

We have had amazing skies here lately, always seem to miss them myself, will notice too late and dont have my camera close by...

Lovely thanks Steffi...

Anonym hat gesagt…

Amazing how the elements achieve such beauty it makes the storm and rains - all the more worth while.

You have captured beautifully.

Have an enjoyable weekend.

Regina hat gesagt…

Beautiful colors.

B SQUARED hat gesagt…

Must have been beautiful to see in person.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Wunderschoen, Steffi! Ein klasse Sky Display!
Cheers, Klaus

P.S.: Bitte benutze keine Sonderzeichen wie ~, wenn du dich bei Skywatch einschreibst. (Siehe Regeln)
Skywatch Team

Rune hat gesagt…

Beautiful skiescollage :)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy hat gesagt…

Steffi: You have had such wonderful color in your sky collage.

Guy D hat gesagt…

Nothing short of spectacular.

Have a great weekend.
Regina In Pictures

Unknown hat gesagt…

A very nice sky collage.

ChrisB hat gesagt…

Steffi the skies look beautiful in your pictures.

Jim hat gesagt…

Fantastc colours.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Light and Voices hat gesagt…

Wonderful collage of sky shots!