Today were at Nathalie´s school the yearly sport games . All pupils must take part in different athletics disciplines .These yearly sports games are a duty event and they take place at every school in Germany.
The achieved achievements are valued in points. If the points exceed a certain number, the pupil receives a winner's document, with a very high number an honourary document as a recognition for his achievement. The honourary documents are signed by the Federal President (as a form). All the other pupils who have received neither winner nor honourary document get a participant document .
The weather was good today for such sport event - not too hot but it blows a strong wind.
Heute fanden die alljährlichen Bundesjugendspiele an Nathalie´s Schule statt . Gut ,daß das Wetter mitspielte und es , für diese Sportveranstaltung , nicht zu heiß war . Es wehte sogar ein kräftiger Wind und die Sonne verschwand immer mal hinter den Wolken .
8 Kommentare:
Hi Steffi I think this is such a good idea to encourage children to get fit and keep healthy. I don't think they have enough sport in the schools here in the UK~ at least they didn't when Beccy was at school, but of course, it might have improved by now!
We have sports games like these in our schools as well, although ours don't sound nearly as official. It's all friendly participation. Everyone loves to be outside and to be doing something fun. And everyone has to participate in something, but not everything.
Sports events are a wonderful opportunity for those kids who enjoy and can continue into adult life.
For me however I could be found with a book at the end of a track.
Ohhhhhhhh jaaaa, gerne erinnere ich mich da an meine BJS ;o))) Unsere Mädchen freuen sich auch immer sehr darauf!
GLG Bella
Sounds like fun and the same as here. Although at my kids high school they don't do this things
Hi, Steffi. I haven't heard from you in a long time. Hope everything is OK! When our kids were little, they had "field day" at school. They participated in various races and won ribbons. They had a lot of fun!
that is great!!!
we have a thing here at the end of school called "field day" where we do sports. but it is purely for fun and competition. No grades or things like that.
Very interesting how that works with the points. Our schools have track and field days and I saw one happening today at a private school. I don't know if they are so mandatory and I don't think there are points involved.
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