Ich habe für Nathalie ein " Empirchen " aus einem schlicht bedruckten Baumwollstoff genäht . Als Verzierung habe ich nur eine Häkelborte unten an den Saum genäht . In ihrem Alter mag sie es ja nur noch schlicht ohne Tüddellei und so bin ich froh , das sie das "Empirchen " angezogen hat . Das " Empirchen " gibt´s als Ebook bei Farbenmix ... und macht süchtig ;O))!
18 Kommentare:
so schlicht ist es doch super auch bei großen mädchen!
lg einchen
I'm sure she will find it all the more appealing - given the beautiful weather we have all been having...
Long may it continue.
Sieht echt klasse aus. Ich glaube diesen Schnit brauchen wir auch noch.
GLG Frieda
OH it turned out so cute! When I was 12 I would have hated anything handmade too. But that looks so great!
She is sooooooooooooooooo CUTE in the last pic! I love the top!!! I would wear it!!! =) It looks comfy!
The grass is sooooo GREEN and PRETTY in your garden!
Gefällt mir gut :-))
Meine Große mag momentan alles eng...leider:-(
I think I still have your address from the Christmas ornament exchange!?!?! If I don't will you email it to:
I will see if I can find some post cards from the lake where our house is!!! =) I will also send you some from Houston!!! =) If I go to Ohio for Christmas I will send you some from there!!! You will NOW be my POST CARD buddy!!!! =) FUN!!! I've always liked post cards!!!
I thought you were coming to USA???
Klasse, das sie auch bei großen Mädchen ankommt!!
LG Beate
Hallo Steffi,
ich finde den Stoff wunderschön für den Empirchenschnitt, das sieht so herrlich sommerlich und luftig aus
What a great job you did..She looks lovely in it...
That's a lovely pattern. I can see why Natalie likes it. And your garden looks so nice too.
o she's cute as a doll! :)
Cute! I love the pic of her 'jumping'!
Hi Steffi. I got to your blog through your comments you left on my blog www.desiref.blogspot.com. Thanks for the comments. You also live in a beautiful country. I gather that the garden pictures are your own garden. It is such a colourful garden. It looks like you are a keen sewer. Love the top you made for your younger daughter. Keep well and greetings from a sunny South Africa.
both the top and the garden are beautiful!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Your daughter (and her new top) are totally adorable. :0)
Have a wonderful day!
Looks so fresh and pretty and your daughter shows it well.
It is very nice. Twelve year olds are quite firm on their sense of fashion.
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