Yesterday Anne and her education class visited the " Autostadt " in Wolfsburg .There they had an exciting and interesting day. Wolfsburg is famous worldwide for his car " Volkswagen " and there is the headquarters of the Volkswagen group . Here you can read more about and see where Anne was yesterday : Autostadt Wolfsburg . On the website you can click on the english button !
Gestern war Anne mit ihrer Ausbildungsklasse zu einem Ausflug in Wolfsburg . Dort besichtigten sie die " Autostadt Wolfsburg " . Mehr darüber könnt ihr hier : Autostadt Wolfsburg . Es war ein interessanter und aufregender Tag in Wolfsburg und mit Sicherheit eine Reise wert .
8 Kommentare:
Fun cars! A guy I work with is in a VM Club here in Houston, TX!
Oh ja unsere Autostadt ist schon toll!!!
Wir gehen auch sehr gerne mit den Kids hin!!!
Es gibt immer wieder neues zu entdecken..
LG aus wolfsburg
what a fun trip!
Oh would I like to go there. I love cars....can't afford the ones that I want, but I sure love them. One day...I'll make it over there....
Das wäre was für meine Großen :O)
WOW! Looks like soooo much fun!
We went for a home school field trip to the Porsche/Volkswagon dealership in Edmonton (Norden Autohaus). It would be way better to go to Germany to where Anne went for a field trip. Now for the funding.
That;s a lotta cool cars!
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