I am really angry.My daughter Anne (18) is already looking for since 2 years an education at a travel agency. Unfortunately, only refusals on her applications came up to now. Anne is not bad, she speaks English and Spanish and does an education at the foreign languages school. She really tries to find a education in a travel agency, however, up to now without success. She takes part in Workshops and she works at training periods in travel agencies and she has already foreign experience because she visited with her choir already some countries worldwide. We are totally frustrated about that situation! What must we still do to impress a personnel manager? Anne was invited to an interview with different applicants and she was good. She knew herself very well with geography and could answer all questions. But, unfortunately, there were still other applicants them no notion had, but for it in the mini skirt and long blond hair with long legs.... You know what I mean...!Anne is also a pretty young lady . Why is this here in Germany so ? I don´t understand it, why only count the appearance here in Germany and not the knowledge and the achievement?Why count only the sexy appearance for a job interview?
Many pupils of Anne´s education - class have the same problem.After their education at the foreign language school they want going to other countries.They all have a good education as commerical clerk for foreign languages english/spanish .And they leave Germany. Anne likes to do now the same...That´s sad but that´s maybe the way !Good bye , poor Germany!
SORRY please for my bad english !I hope you know anyway what I mean ;O) !
16 Kommentare:
I'm so sorry that Anne has not been able to get a placement. I am sure that she is very good and it certainly doesn't seem fair. I hope she doesn't get discouraged. She needs to keep trying, perhaps she will end up with the best job of all. I have to think that if a company is not fair, then who would want to work there anyways. Good luck. I will think very positive thoughts for Anne and hope that she finds something.
oh! Am sorry to hear about Anne's difficulty in getting into the tourism line. But I guess that's the way it goes sometimes. Life can be unfair!!
Ich drück ihr ganz fest die Daumen,dass sie doch noch was findet
Hi Steffi!
Ich verstehe, dass du sauer bist.
Bei uns sagt man: Alles was im Leben passiert, hat seinen Grund. Du wirst sehen, Anna findet bestimmt einen guten Job.
LG Olga
Das Glück kommt oft unverhofft, du wirst sehen
und ich drück ihr fest die Daumen, das wird schon, ganz bestimmt
Das finde ich richtig gemein! Wenn jemand doof ist, kann man ja verstehen, dass er keinen Job findet! Aber wenn Anne sich so bemüht und Praktika etc. macht, dann müsste man doch irgendwann mal Erfolg haben. Ich drücke euch weiter die Daumen!!
LG Beate
I understand your frustration!
She will find just the right job for her if she keeps a positive attitude and patience. I know it is hard.
Oh Steffi, ich kann diuch gut verstehen.
Es tut mir sehr leid für Anne, ich drücke ihr ganz fest die DAumen das sie bald was findet. Etwas wo sie auch viel Spaß bei der Arbeit hat und nur liebe nette Leute um sich.
Liebe Grüße Karin
It's the same everywhere unfortunately. I hope she has better luck soon. :)
Don't give up. I am sure somebody discovers her talents someday. I think you are right what is happening i've seen it severla times happen and it is very frustrating But people who don't think when they take on new people don't deserve your smart Anne. Bless you and i will hope with you
That is very discouraging and it is hard to accept that physical appearance and dress would influence that way. It is too bad many seek to leave because of that but perhaps if she comes to Canada, you could come too;-). I know that is being silly. I do hope she finds a placement and in a great place. Experience and knowledge should count for the most.
Unfortunately, it is not only in Germany that girls who wear the mini skirts and other so-called "sexy" clothes seem to get the jobs. The good thing is that eventually they actually have to be able to do the job and many fail at that. Just keep trying. She will get that foot in the door and then she will get the career she is after. And if that doesn't work, she could move to Canada :-)
It must be so frustrating for Anne in her search for a job. She sounds very well qualified and I wish her lots of luck in finding her dream job.
I'm so sorry Anne is having such a hard time finding the job she is wanting so bad. It sounds like she is more the qualified but unfortunatly people can be stupid in my opinion! I hope she is able to find a great job soon.
Das hat mich jetzt richtig getroffen... ich drücke deiner Anne ganz fest die Daumen dass sie doch noch etwas findet!
lg maya
I can see why you are frustrated! I hope Anne gets a good job placement. Maybe those jobs weren't meant to be and there is something better there waiting for Anne. I hope she doesn't have to go too far away from you!
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