Yesterday evening Anne´s choir had a christmas concert on a radio station NDR 90,3 .The concert was to hear at 8 o´ clock pm at the radio .The choir was invited from the radio station to their radio show " Sontakte ". Every year before christmas they have a concert there. To such radio-show are invited always a famous singer or artist .
Gestern hatte Anne´s Chor ein weihnachtliches Konzert in der Radiosendung " Sontakte" auf NDR 90,3. Der Chor tritt jedes Jahr um die Weihnachtszeit in dieser Radio-Sendung auf,an der immer auch ein paar Prominente aus der Film - oder Musikszene daran teilnehmen. Gestern war z.B. die Schauspielerin Hannelore Hoger mit dabei .
11 Kommentare:
I bet the concert was beautiful. I love this time of year.
How fun!
ABSOLUT KLASSE!!!! Schönes Outfit!!!
GLG Isabelle
that's amazing that they were on the radio! what a cool thing to happen!
I always luv to hear a choir singing - and the radio presentation - would have been so wonderful to listen too for those at home.
I I love that wish I could hear it.
Weihnachtskonzerte finde ich sehr schön
Awesome that she was on the radio. If you get a recording of it from the radio could send me that MP3 of it if you like :-)
Wow, that is so exciting. Anne's choir is doing very well. You must be proud.
Wow, das ist ja eine spannende und aufregende Sache gewesen, was?
Da kann man ja doppelt stolz sein als Mama :-)
Wow congratulations to Anne and her choir for being invited!
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