Samstag, 1. Dezember 2007

" Advent calendar ... / Adventskalender ... "

Today is the 1st december and that is the time to open the first door of the advent calendar.I don´t know if my english speaking blog friends know what it is a advents calender. A advent calender have 24 doors and you start to open on 1st december to 24 th december.The last door you open on christmas Eve.Behind the doors you find every day a small surprise like chocolate or a small toy. A advent calendar is a nice surprise for children but not only ;O) . "Also for big children ... " ! The Final Countdown to the Christmas Eve is opened!

Enjoy your first advent weekend everyone and everywhere!
Heute ist ja der 1. Dezember und das ist ja bekanntlich die Zeit zum Öffnen des ersten Türchens des Adventskalenders , wie jedes Jahr bis zum Heiligabend! Der Countdown läuft ... !

Habt alle ein schönes 1. Adventswochenende !

15 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Great idea - just who eats the chocolate :)

I have an "Advent" Candle which I light each day and have done for some years now.

Although the goodies behind the doors are a miss I must admit...

Anonym hat gesagt…

I want chocolate too! I never heard of the advent calendar. Thanks for sharing XD

Olja's Design hat gesagt…

Hi Steffi!
Wo hast du den Kalender mit den Tierchen gefunden? Da wird sich Nathalie aber freuen.
LG Olga

Marja hat gesagt…

These are nice ones. At work they had them as well. I just gave a piece of chocolate to my home children (4 of them) They love it.

Art Kat hat gesagt…

Woo so exciting!

Brigitte hat gesagt…

Der Weg führte meine beiden Jüngsten heute morgen direkt zu den Kalendern. Ich find das so schön, wie sie sich freuen und nun das Tagezählen beginnt :O)))


ChrisB hat gesagt…

Hi Steffi we also have advent calendar like yours. I expect Beccy will have one for her children.

la bellina mammina hat gesagt…

Yes, we have that too here. My boys are just too big for that :-)

frannie hat gesagt…

we have a big wooden advent calendar that you refill every year. I'll have to post a pic sometime.

Dawn hat gesagt…

We have advent calenders here. Our family does not do Christmas, so when the kids get one from phys ed, they eat all the chocolate at once. It must be a European tradition originally. Many people here are descendant of, or immigrants from Europe. I hope you had a good First day of Advent.

Sirdar hat gesagt…

What a nice idea and looks like you did a wonderful job of making the Advent calendar. I've never heard of that tradition but it sounds yummy.

Carla hat gesagt…

As a child, I absolutely loved the advent calendar. We had one every year and I still think they are a wonderful tradition.

thefoodsnob hat gesagt…

We have a wall advent calendar, you take an ornament from each day and decorate the tree on top. Last year I also found some with chocolate, so now my children want that! I haven't found any, though.

ricracsally hat gesagt…

MY daughter is always sooo excited by her Adventskalender; she was born in Germany, so she feels a kinship with all that is German!

my4kids hat gesagt…

We have advent calenders here also. I've done them several times with the kids and they love it!